You opened your dairy-cheese shop as part of a career change. How did your setup go?
We founded the company in 2019 and opened the store doors on December 1, 2020, against all odds with the arrival of Covid! We are located in Guebwiller, in the Florival Valley, because that's where we live and it was important for us to add value in terms of local commerce to our town. I (editor's note: Isabelle) am the daughter and granddaughter of cheesemakers from the Jura, and this decision to change careers was based on a connection to childhood memories.What is your vision of the profession ?
We are dairy-cheese merchants and we buy all our cheeses already matured. For us, the imperative is the consistency of the products we market. When we talk about a cheese to our customers, it's because we have tasted, appreciated it, and know its origin. And when we talk about consistency, it's because we make sure the cheeses are good today as they are tomorrow. We are very strict on the quality and diversity of products! The choice of our partners, both in terms of their relational aspect and their supply flexibility, is essential for our store.
Aside from the quality of your selection, what is the added value of your establishment?
We immediately liked responding to new consumer trends, by offering tastings outside of traditional meals. Like many of our peers, each with their own style, we offer cheese buffets, appetizer boards,tiered cheese creations, and other delicacies "transformed" without altering the product and while preserving the true taste of cheese. We also created our Cheese Bar space right from the store's opening, which perfectly adapts to a nomadic consumption mode. We also offer ephemeral evenings focused on seasonal cheeses. We are dairy-cheese merchants, but also wine and grocery retailers trying to promote French gastronomy as a whole.Do you feel threatened by the cheese sections of large supermarkets?
Yes and no, France is still the cheese country par excellence! Customers who enter our store are looking for something other than "pre-packaged" cheese. Our product selection is meticulous, and we never have the same references or cheeses in our showcase as those offered by large supermarkets.